2020, June 21. Target Gallery at Torpedo Factory
2017, September 1. Not Yet Installed
2017, February 14. Art Preview: Suspicious Growths
2016, March 31. Sneak Peak of Sunroom Project
2016, February 18. William Paterson University Galleries • Winter 2016
2014, October 23. Emerge 11 at Aljira
Oct 21. NewJerseyStage, "Foundation Celebrates Arts & Humanities..."
May 5. Inquirer, "The original Barnes Foundation building is re-opening..."
April 19. Artblog, "Fifteen local artists in Shifting Ecologies at Saint Joseph's University"
Mar 1, Harlem World, “New Collaborative Exhibition Opens During Asia Week 2023 In Harlem”
May 25, Korea Times, "Evergreen Exhibition"
July 2, Washington Post, “In the galleries: Celebrating the art of the game with unexpected delights”
June 10, Manna24, "K-Recollection"
April 15, Yeonhap News, "K-recollection"
July 10, ALXNow, “Humanity Vs. Nature: Torpedo Factory Art Center’s Virtual Gallery”
Feb 26, Overseas Korean Journalists Association, "Tai Hwa Goh solo show"
Feb 22, Korea Times, "AHL exhibition: Tai Hwa Goh"
Feb 22, Overseas Korean Journalists Association, "Tai Hwa Goh solo show"
Feb 20, Korea Daily, “Solo exhibition: Tai Hwa Goh"
May 1, Mom and I, Vol. 224, "Printmaking and Installation Artist: Tai Hwa Goh"
Apr 17, West Side Rag, "Artists Roam at Unique Children’s Museum Exhibition"
Oct 1, Sculpture, Vol. 36, No. 8, "Indeterminate Order: Tai Hwa Goh"
May 18, Korea Times, "AHL Foundation Artist Award, Gold Prize"
May 16, Korea Daily, "AHL Foundation Artist Award"
Apr 24, Broadway World, "Fertile Ground"
Mar 10, Korea Times, "Goh - Artist Talk"
Mar 8, Korea Daily, "Artist Talk: Tai Hwa Goh"
Feb 2, Korea Times, "Suspicious Growths"
Feb 2, DCist, "KCC Artist of the Year"
Feb 1, Washington Diplomat, "Works by Tai Hwa Goh"
Jan 19, Korea Daily, "Artist of the Year of Korean Cultural Center in DC"
Jun 16, BRIC Art Media, "Leaks artist: Interview”
Jun 2, Brooklyn Magazine, "Leaks"
May 14, NYC Parks, "Meet the artist"
May 13, Wave Hill, "Overflow in the Sunroom: Interview”
Apr 16, Art Daily, "Wave Hill Sunroom Project"
Jan 30, Washington Post, "In the galleries"
Jan 15, WETA TV and Radio, "Luce Artist Talk"
Jan 15, Washington Post, "Luce Artist Talk"
Nov 10, Brick City Live, "Aljira's emerge fellows have arrived"
Nov 14, Cardinals&Cream, "On display"
May 15, BmoreArt, "Evergreen Museum"
Oct 11, Korea Daily, "Exhibition at Thomas Aquinas"
Jun 3, Fort Lee Patch, "Suspicious Seed"
Apr 11, The JHU Gazette, "Artist in residency"